Patterson: Breaking: Van Drew Voicemail Revealed: “I Will Not Vote for Trump”

Breaking: Van Drew Voicemail Revealed:
“I Will Not Vote for Trump”

For Immediate Release – Jan. 24, 2020

Ocean City, NJ – The Philadelphia Inquirer published an article today revealing a voicemail Cong. Jeff Van Drew left for a constituent only three weeks before his infamous switcheroo in which he strongly opposed President Trump.

Cong. Van Drew left the following voicemail on Nov. 30: “I haven’t voted for him [Trump], I didn’t support him, I will not vote for him.”

Three weeks later, Cong. Van Drew pledged his “undying support” for President Trump. And a day later, he retracted that support.

Read the entire story here.

“Liberal Jeff Van Drew will say anything to hold onto political power,” conservative Republican Bob Patterson said. “Jeff Van Drew will flip on President Trump if he thinks it will help him perpetuate his political career. I have been a conservative Republican my entire life, and I’m the only candidate in this race President Trump and South Jersey can count on.”

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