PBA 105 President Calls for Swift Passage of Legislation in Light of Latest Inmate Attack

Calls on Governor Christie to sign bill to fairly compensate corrections officers attacked by inmates

(Crosswicks, NJ) - PBA Local 105 President Brian Renshaw announced that state corrections officer Justin Straub was viciously attacked by an inmate at the Garden State Youth Correctional Facility in Crosswicks on April 23 during a routine check.

The inmate punched Officer Straub in the face multiple times until he fell to the floor. After Straub fell, the inmate continued the assault and repeatedly kicked the officer in the head. Other on-duty officers were called for assistance and upon responding  the inmate attempted to assault them as well. Responding Officer William Solan also sustained injuries at the hands of the inmate. Due to an ongoing investigation, medical reports were not available.

“Our members deserve the same benefits that other law enforcement currently receives,” said PBA Local 105 President Brian Renshaw. “The state cannot allow our officers to be brutally attacked by inmates and then not fully compensate the officer while they are recovering from their injuries.”

The legislation referenced as the SLI bill, S-596/A-3422, is under consideration by the Governor. Under current law, when an officer is injured by an inmate the officer only receives a percentage of their full pay in the form of workers’ compensation. This legislation would make up the difference that is paid by workers’ compensation and the officers full salary. Ultimately, the injured officer would receive regular supplemental payments from their employer in an amount equal to the officer’s salary to close the pay gap that currently exists.

The Governor is expected to act on the bill in the coming week.

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