Peapack Gladstone Mayor Bill Muller Endorses Tom Malinowski

Peapack Gladstone Mayor Bill Muller Endorses Tom Malinowski
Peapack-Gladstone Mayor Bill Muller today endorsed Tom Malinowski in his race for House of Representatives in New Jersey’s 7th District. Muller, a Republican, has served as mayor since 2014 and is seeking a second term.
“This Congress is not working together to produce meaningful results for the country and punishing New Jersey taxpayers in the process,” said Mayor Muller. “Tom Malinowski is the kind of out of the box thinker our area needs right now. He shares my values and can be the voice in Congress this district needs.”
“I am humbled to have Mayor Muller's support. This election has to be about putting country over party, and Mayor Muller is leading by example,” said Malinowski. “I’m committed to reaching across the aisle to address our common concerns: infrastructure spending, restoring your SALT deduction, making healthcare more affordable. This Congress has hurt the 7th district in real and tangible ways. To change Congress we need to change our congressman.”
Mayor Muller joins Alexandria Mayor Michelle Garay, Stockton Councilman Nic Messina, and former Clinton Councilman Dan Shea as Republican elected officials supporting Tom Malinowski. Tom was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor with unanimous support from the U.S. Senate and was introduced at his confirmation hearing by Senator John McCain.