Pennacchio to Murphy: Bag the Bag Tax

Will Introduce Legislation to Repeal Democrats’ Grocery Bag Tax
Senator Joe Pennacchio called on Governor Phil Murphy to veto a grocery bag tax that was recently approved by Democrats in the New Jersey Legislature, saying he will introduce legislation to repeal the five-cent per bag tax if it is signed into law.
“Democrats will literally nickel and dime New Jerseyans through a new five-cent tax on each grocery bag you use,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “This overtaxing of everything we do in New Jersey needs to stop. I’m calling on Governor Murphy to bag the bag tax. If he doesn’t do the right thing, I’ll fight to repeal the grocery bag tax to protect New Jersey’s overtaxed residents.”
The Democrats’ legislation, S-3267/S-2600, imposes a five-cent tax on each single-use plastic or paper bag used that is provided to customers at various retail establishments, including drug stores, supermarkets, and chain stores.
This new grocery bag tax is in addition to a separate effort by Governor Murphy to increase the New Jersey sales tax to seven percent, which would cost consumers another $600 million.
Pennacchio said the grocery bag tax is reminiscent of former Governor Jim Florio’s infamous toilet paper tax.
“Taxpayers helped to flush Florio’s toilet paper tax down the drain,” added Pennacchio. “They should call Governor Murphy and tell him the grocery bag tax deserves to go out with the trash.”
The grocery bag tax, which is pending the Governor’s approval, advanced through both houses of the Legislature on June 21st. Pennacchio’s repeal legislation is being prepared for introduction.