People’s State of the State: Advocates, Faith Leaders & Affected to Call for Movement on Progressive Priorities


People’s State of the State: Advocates, Faith Leaders & Affected to Call for Movement on Progressive Priorities
Leaders and affected people to speak to urgency of marijuana legalization, voting rights restoration & expansion, licenses that protect privacy and civil rights, and other bills

For Planning Purposes
Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019

Jerome Montes, NJ Citizen Action,, 609-540-9197
Louis DiPaolo, NJ Policy Perspective,, 201-417-5049
Jenny Vickers, NJ Clean Water Action,, 732-829-2663

Trenton, NJ – On Monday, January 14, at 11 a.m. a broad coalition of advocates, faith leaders, and concerned New Jersey residents will gather outside the State House Annex to call on the Legislature to move on key progressive legislative priorities.

Nearly a year since the swearing-in of Governor Phil Murphy and more than a year after the convening of a new Legislature, major legislation has been stalled, including a $15 minimum wage, driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants, environmental protections, voting rights restoration for people with convictions, and marijuana legalization, among others.

WHAT: New Jersey People’s State of the State Press Conference
WHEN: Monday, January 14, 11 a.m.
WHERE: Outside the State House Annex
•    Amol Sinha, ACLU-NJ
•    Brian Kulas, Anti-Poverty Network of NJ & Garden State Leaders
•    Marcia Marley, BlueWaveNJ
•    Joanna Calle, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice
•    Ryan Haygood, NJ Institute for Social Justice
•    NJ Residents who would benefit from legislation to raise the minimum wage to $15, voting rights restoration, environmental protections, and driver’s licenses

SPONSORED BY:  ACLU-NJ, Action Together NJ, Anti-Poverty Network of NJ, BlueWaveNJ, Clean Water Action, Drug Policy Alliance NJ, Environment NJ, Fair Share Housing, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry, Make the Road NJ, NJ Citizen Action, NJ Main Street Alliance, NJ Policy Perspective, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, NJ Institute for Social Justice, NJ Work Environment Council, NJ Working Families Alliance, Salvation & Social Justice, Wind of the Spirit



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