“Perth Amboy First” Candidates Kick Off City Council Campaign

“Perth Amboy First” Candidates Kick Off City Council Campaign

PERTH AMBOY – (Sept. 6, 2018) – Councilmen Bill Petrick, Joel Pabon and school board member Milady Tejeda – running on the “Perth Amboy First” ticket – officially kicked off their campaign after submitting several hundred petitions for the Nov. 6th council race.

The trio of candidates are emphasizing the importance of electing independent council members who put city residents first and are not beholden to the mayor. Petrick, Pabon and Tejeda are seeking three available City Council seats in the Nov. 6th election.

“People in Perth Amboy deserve independent leaders who actually listen to them and act on their behalf. They deserve bold leaders with a clear vision of our city’s future and energetic leaders, active in our community,” said Council President Bill Petrick. “We are those leaders.”

Councilman Joel Pabon agreed. “We are not a rubber stamp for the mayor or for any political party or special interest. We bring a fresh perspective on issues facing our city. We ask tough questions and seek for alternative, cost-efficient solutions,” Pabon said. “That’s what being independent means.”

Milady Tejeda, a three-term Board of Education member, said her goal is a wider platform to serve city residents. “Like many people in Perth Amboy, I came here as an immigrant and worked hard to succeed. Perth Amboy has been good to me and my family,” Tejeda said. “Serving on the City Council is another chance for me to give back to my community.”

Experience and long-standing community ties are two assets the “Perth Amboy First” team will emphasize in their campaign. Each has years of experience on major municipal boards, as well as long-standing commitments to community service.

Pabon is an Army veteran who retired as a first sergeant after 23 years. He now supervises the U.S. Post Office at Perth Amboy. As a two-term Council member and former council president, Pabon has extensive city government experience.

Pabon is also a past member of the Perth Amboy Board of Education. In addition to many years of experience as an elected official, Pabon has volunteered his time to a number of community service groups.

He is a member of the Recreation Advisory Committee as well as past president and coach for the Perth Amboy Youth League. For more than 20 years, Pabon was also a coach for the Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Latin American softball leagues.

Bill Petrick runs a family floral business, established in Perth Amboy over 100 years ago. He is in his second term on the City Council and his second year as Council President.

Petrick, currently a Planning Board member, previously served on the Board of Education and the Board of Adjustment. Community volunteerism for Petrick started at age 18, when he became a member of the First Aid Squad. He is currently a volunteer fireman and president of the Perth Amboy Exempt Fireman’s Association.

Milady Tejeda was born in the Dominican Republic and has lived in Perth Amboy for 44 years. She works in the healthcare field, managing several departments at RWJ Barnabas Health.
With her busy career, raising a family and serving as school board vice president, Tejeda is an active member of Our Lady of Fatima parish, secretary of United Dominicans of Perth Amboy and a founding member of Proyecto Cultura y Sociedad, which promotes education and culture.

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