Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz Opposes Legislative Gerrymandering Plan

Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz will endorse U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for President, a decision that puts Diaz against the bulk of the Middlesex County Democratic Committee, which supports the presidential candidacy of U.S. Senator Cory Booker from New Jersey.


Perth Amboy Mayor Wilda Diaz Opposes Legislative Gerrymandering Plan

PERTH AMBOY, N.J. —  Mayor Wilda Diaz of Perth Amboy is the latest elected official to publicly oppose the gerrymandering amendment being considered by the State Legislature. Mayor Diaz joins dozens of progressive activist groups, good government organizations, County Democratic Chairs and many others in opposing the plan, which the New York Times described today as “writing gerrymandering into the State Constitution.”


“The fact that this plan is being pushed through the legislature despite massive public opposition from both political parties is an example of everything that citizens don't like about government. Voters went to the polls last November to demand that as elected officials we are transparent and responsive to the people's will. Pushing a redistricting plan that doesn’t take into consideration the voices of all voters, including independent voters and communities of color, is not only wrong it's undemocratic” said Mayor Wilda Diaz, who is the only elected Latina Mayor in New Jersey. “As a Mayor of an urban city, I have concerns that this new proposal dilutes the ability of voters of color to have a voice in the process of expanding political representation based on population growth and voter registration, and not just on party influence. This issue is not new to me; I have a record of fighting for the expansion of political representation for Puerto Rican, Latino, Black and all communities of color. I am inspired to see so many activists and everyday residents making their voices heard against this plan and I am proud to add my voice to the effort to defeat it. This plan will impact our urban communities for the next 10-15 years and should not be rushed for the sake of political expediency."


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