Phil Murphy Says Refusing To Release Tax Returns "un-American," Won't Commit To Making His Publicly Available
"With 12 days to go, Phil Murphy should stop dodging and make his tax returns publicly available to everyone before the election by posting them online," said Kim Guadagno. "The fact that Phil Murphy personally profited off the very gun companies he now claims to oppose while working at Goldman Sachs shows exactly why it's important for New Jerseyans to see his tax returns before going to the polls. What else is he hiding?"
Every year as lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno has posted her tax returns online. You can view eight years of her tax returns here.
In July, Guadagno challenged Phil Murphy to make eight years of his tax returns publicly available on the Internet to no avail. He has only allowed reporters to look at his complex tax returns briefly for two hours, and barred them from taking photos, taking notes or making copies.
Q: Every time we ask you about putting out you tax returns online, but you are supportive bill in the New Jersey Legislature requiring Presidential candidates to put tax returns online. You think that’s a good idea, but, do you plan more disclosures?
A: Yes.
Q: Some people wonder if there is something in Trumps Tax returns, some conflict. Should people be worried about that you?
A: I want to make sure your readers are paying attention, what we’ve done and what Donald Trump have done have nothing to do with each other. We have released I think at this point 6 years of tax returns. We’ve said to folks we’re going to be in a room,
Q: Two hours, no notes, pictures, just journalists; no accountants?
A: I would be happy to have accountants come Bob, I have no problem with that. We have been quite open about it. We were open about before anybody. I mean Trump has done nothing. That’s Unamerican Egregious. I give another one we’re trying to do right now, we release the last year, so 2015. We are racing to get 2016’s out before the election happens. Which is a month before we did it last year. So I am sympathetic.
Q: So, will be on the same terns?
A: I haven’t thought that through, probably, it will be available.
Q: Maybe online?
A: Haven’t thought about that.
Q: But, why not put it online? I don’t understand why you wouldn’t?
A: No particular reason, and there is no particular reason why you couldn’t have your accountant come with you either. I believe I was following a tradition; I believe this was borne out of many electorates and candidates that have done the same thing. We are not out of the norm with our behavior. We were out there early, we were out with multiple years. We will now try to get last year’s in a month early. I think that’s the right way, voters deserve that.