Phil Murphy's Own Party Begins To Bail On Dangerous Sanctuary State Proposal
October 26, 2017, 9:22 am | in
Phil Murphy's Own Party Begins To Bail On Dangerous Sanctuary State Proposal
October 26, 2017
West Long Branch, NJ – Even Phil Murphy's own party is beginning to bail on his radical and dangerous idea of a sanctuary state. Old Bridge Democratic Chairman Mark Razzoli, an experienced law enforcement officer, yesterday released this statement distancing himself from Phil Murphy's proposal, according to InsiderNJ:
“While I respect the views of many of the Democratic candidates running for office in New Jersey, our focus as a local party and my focus as a councilman will be to hold the line on property taxes, ensure good quality services for children and seniors, and protect the Old Bridge quality of life we have all come to enjoy – not address federal issues we have no power to legislate.
"My 25 years in law enforcement gives me a unique understanding and perspective of the issues we face as a state and as a nation. However, I do disagree with the proposal to make New Jersey a sanctuary state and any implication to the contrary is categorically false. Thank you for all of your support!” – Mark Razzoli, Old Bridge Democratic Chairman
Yesterday, the Guadagno campaign pointed out that even Bill Clinton as president didn't support the idea of a sanctuary state, stating in his 1995 State of the Union address the country needs to "do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes."