Phil Murphy’s Plan To Fix Foreclosure Crisis? Goldman Sachs.

Hypocrisy Alert!

Phil Murphy’s Plan To Fix Foreclosure Crisis? Goldman Sachs.

Phil Murphy spent over 20 years amassing a fortune working for Goldman Sachs in the lead up to the financial crisis, and he’s using those Wall Street profits to buy the Governor’s Office in 2017.

In fact, Murphy has spent over $1 million he made on Wall Street to buy the support of Democrat organizations across New Jersey at the same time he has tried to distance himself from his former employer and convince voters he will stand up to Wall Street with slick TV commercials.

Yesterday, Phil Murphy released a plan to tackle New Jersey’s foreclosure crisis that further tests the limits of his liberal hypocrisy.

“Phil Murphy just unveiled a plan to make
Wall St. clean up N.J. home foreclosures”

The Star Ledger, 3/22/2017
New Jersey leads the country in foreclosures after the big banks like Goldman Sachs caused the financial and housing crisis.

It’s the height of hypocrisy for Phil Murphy, who is paying for his campaign with the millions earned from the big banks that created the financial crisis, to now say he will turn to Wall Street to clean up the foreclosure mess they created in the first place!

What’s even crazier about Phil Murphy’s plan is the fact that it would require the approval of the President he compared to Hitler.

Phil Murphy won’t make New Jersey better. His Goldman Sachs crew is who got New Jersey into this mess in the first place and hosed New Jersey families.

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