Pintor Marin Lauds Efforts to Secure Wage Increase for Airport Workers

Pintor Marin Lauds Efforts to Secure Wage

Increase for Airport Workers

            (TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (D-Essex) issued the following statement regarding Thursday’sannouncement that airport workers will receive a wage increase, reaching $19 an hour by 2023:

            “I applaud the efforts of all stakeholders who engaged in the tough discussions to secure a raise for airport workers. This is a victory for thousands of New Jersey’s dedicated airport employees and for the local economy of every town in the airport’s surrounding areas.

“Ensuring fair wages and worker’s rights provides stability and career potential for our airport personnel.  Earning a living wage will impact New Jersey families’ right where they need it most, their wallets.  This was the right thing to do. It is good for residents, good for our airports and great for our economy.

“With this vote, we lead the country and move New Jersey closer to where we should be in terms of providing a fair wage to all employees.”

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