Pintor Marin Statement on Fiscal Year 2022 State Budget Address

Pintor Marin Statement on Fiscal Year 2022 State Budget Address

(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (D-Essex), chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, released the following statement today in response to Governor Phil Murphy’s FY ‘22 State Budget Address:


          “Nearly one year after the coronavirus pandemic upended life as we knew it, New Jersey’s economic outlook appears more promising than we could have anticipated just a few short months ago.

          “In crafting the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, we must be cognizant of the current challenges we face due to COVID-19 and make investments to help our economy and residents recover.

          “I, along with my colleagues on the Budget Committee, look forward to examining what was put forth today. We appreciate the breadth and positivity of the Governor’s proposals, and we share his goal of moving New Jersey forward.

          “The Legislature has the enormous responsibility of approving a responsible balanced budget that advances our shared priorities and works for every New Jerseyan. It is not a responsibility we take lightly.

          “In the coming weeks we look forward to gathering information and perspective from residents and stakeholders from across the state during the hearing process. The Budget Committee is committed to crafting a budget document that will prioritize the needs of hardworking New Jersey residents, protect our most vulnerable, and move our entire state forward.”


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