Piscataway Progressive Leaders, Residents Call for BPU Investigation Into Optimum Service

Piscataway, NJ – Residents in Piscataway Township are asking their neighbors to sign a letter to the state’s Board of Public Utilities investigating Cablevision for its poor service. On the heels of a similar request made by elected officials in Hamilton and Robbinsville, members of the Piscataway Progressive Democratic Organization posted the following sign-on letter to their group’s Facebook page:.

September 3, 2020

Director, Lawanda Gilbert
Office of Cable Television and Communications
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
44 South Clinton Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08625

RE: Request for Investigation of Internet, Telephone, and Cable Television Service provided by Optimum to Piscataway

Dear Director Gilbert,

We, the undersigned residents of Piscataway Township, submit this letter request the Board of Utilities (“BPU”) to assist us in addressing the poor service and lack of internet reliability by launching an investigation into the service provided by Optimum-Altice to Piscataway Township and its residents. We are aware that other communities in New Jersey have raised similar concerns, which we echo and share. As noted by leaders in Hamilton and Robbinsville, Cablevision, before it became Optimum-Altice, has been the sole owner and granted a franchise to exclusively provide video programming service, inclusive of cable television, internet and television services with Piscataway Township. In connection with this franchise, Optimum has an obligation and responsibility to comply with the technical and customer service standards for the cable industry applicable under federal and State laws, rules and regulations. We, the undersigned Piscataway Township residents, serve notice to the Board that Optimum-Altice has failed to meet these standards.

According to N.J.A.C 14:3-3.1, Duty to furnish service (a) “It shall be the duty of every utility to furnish safe, adequate and proper service, including furnishing and performance of service in a non-discriminatory manner, and in a manner that tends to conserve energy resources and preserve the quality of the environment.” Optimum-Altice has failed to adhere to this requirement in the Piscataway service area.

Along with many of our neighbors, we have made numerous complaints concerning the poor and unacceptable service being provided by Optimum-Altice to the Company and our local leaders without any improvements. These complaints, which are routinely shared by neighbors on social media, have gone unanswered for too long. We urge you to address Optimum-Altice’s failure to uphold its statutory requirements to the residents of Piscataway Township.

An immediate investigation is warranted, and is especially crucial as our community is relying on Internet service for remote learning for the first marking period of this school year. We implore the Board for assistance.

Resident Kamuela “Nikki” Tillman said she and other progressive Democratic Committee members heard from neighbors about this issue during the community meetings they held.

“We know so many people are frustrated with the poor quality of internet service and lack of customer service many Piscataway residents have experienced with Cablevision (now Optimum/Altice). This issue came up repeatedly when our Neighborhood Committee reps met with residents. We deserve community services that work for all of us and call for a Board of Public Utilities’ investigation in to our cable and internet services, similar to the one made by other communities. Please sign and share this letter ASAP, but no later than 12PM on 9/7. We will then submit it to the BPU. When we stand together, we win,” she stated.

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