Planned Parenthood: Congressional Tax Overhaul Bill a Threat to Health Care Access

December 12, 2017
Contact: Casey Olesko 201.647.5502 /
Congressional Tax Overhaul Bill a Threat to Health Care Access
TRENTON, NJ — Americans have made clear over and over they don’t want to see attacks on their health care. Yet, the tax plan moving through Congress will take away health insurance from 13 million people and increase premiums by ten percent. That’s why it’s so important Americans call their members of Congress this week to tell them they oppose this tax plan which will take health care away from millions.
The federal tax legislation includes a measure undoing a critical provision of the Affordable Care Act, a move that could result in 13 million people across the country losing access to health care coverage. Thanks to the ACA, nearly 10 million women in the United States gained health care coverage and the number of uninsured women was cut nearly by half. The tax reform legislation currently being considered by Congress threatens to reverse that progress. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that premiums for plans in the individual market would increase by 10 percent without the individual mandate.
Here in New Jersey, the Center for American Progress estimates that more than 325,000 individuals are at risk for losing health insurance coverage as a result of this tax bill. Estimates at the Congressional-district level can be accessed here.
Attacks on health coverage have no place in any legislation. This legislation is bad medicine, bad policy, and not what Americans want. Ultimately, women and their families will be hurt the most.
Statement from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in response to Senate vote on tax bill on December 2:
“GOP leaders are so hell-bent on undermining the health care of millions, they are sneaking it into a tax bill. Attacks on health coverage have no place in any legislation, especially not in a tax bill.
“This is bad medicine, bad policy, and not what Americans want. Ultimately, women and their families will be hurt the most.
“After hundreds of thousands of people made calls, visited offices, and shared their stories, it is unconscionable that Senate leaders are still trying to take away insurance coverage from millions of people.
“People across America have been clear: They oppose the congressional and Trump administration attacks on their access to affordable health care. By repealing this critical portion of the Affordable Care Act, millions of people’s premiums will rise.
“People across America need to continue to call their members of Congress and tell them Americans won’t stand for taking away access to care and increasing premiums.”
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey (PPAFNJ) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization, and the advocacy arm of the Planned Parenthood Affiliates in New Jersey. We advocate for access to essential health care through education, activism, voter engagement, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy. For more information, visit our website at:


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