Planned Parenthood Endorses Zwicker and Freiman

Planned Parenthood Endorses Zwicker and Freiman



PRINCETON —Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker and Assembly candidate Roy Freiman have earned the backing of Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey for their staunch support for women’s rights to health care and privacy.


“Thank you so much to Planned Parenthood for this vote of confidence,” said Assemblyman Zwicker, who received a 100% rating from the organization based on his support in the Legislature for women’s reproductive health care and rights. “In Trenton, I have consistently fought to restore the tens of millions in funding for Planned Parenthood slashed by Governor Christie. I will continue to stand alongside Planned Parenthood to make sure that women’s healthcare is funded, protected, and accessible across the state.”


In announcing its legislative endorsements, Planned Parenthood said, “The stakes have never been higher for our New Jersey’s women, men, and families. We have the unique chance to reject Governor Christie’s terrible legacy and choose a new vision for our state, or we can continue to deal with more of the same.”


“I am honored to receive the backing of Planned Parenthood,” said Roy Freiman. “A woman’s health care should be based on a conversation between her and her doctor, not something dictated by politics. As Assemblyman, I will fight to make sure political agendas no longer dictate access and funding for the critical care that Planned Parenthood provides.”


Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey is a nonpartisan, independent, nonprofit social welfare organization, and the advocacy arm of the Planned Parenthood Affiliates in New Jersey. It advocates for access to essential healthcare through education, activism, voter engagement, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.


The 16th District — SOMERSET: Branchburg, Hillsborough, Manville, Millstone, Montgomery, Rocky Hill, Somerville; HUNTERDON: Delaware Twp., Flemington, Raritan, Readington, Stockton; MERCER: Princeton; MIDDLESEX: South Brunswick.



Austin Lyle

(406) 459-3019 

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