Planned Parenthood: Women’s health advocates #PickUpThePaperForPP
November 2, 2017
Contact: Casey Olesko 201.647.5502 /
Women’s health advocates #PickUpThePaperForPP
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey encourages supporters to take selfies with ads for Murphy running in 13 of New Jersey’s daily newspapers
TRENTON, NJ — With less than one week left until the gubernatorial election, Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey (PPAFNJ) is ramping up efforts to get out the vote for Phil Murphy. PPAFNJ has taken full page color ads in 13 of New Jersey’s major daily newspapers to say that Murphy is the champion New Jersey needs to stand up for women and families and fight cuts to Planned Parenthood and family planning services, which include lifesaving cancer screenings and sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment. PPAFNJ is asking their supporters to take selfies with the ad and share them on social media, using the hashtag #PickUpThePaperForPP.
“This election is critical for the future of healthcare in New Jersey,” said Christine Sadovy, Political and Legislative Director with Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey. “We want voters to know that that Phil Murphy is the only candidate who will defend women’s health and rights.”
As the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress continually take steps to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, the next governor of New Jersey will play a crucial role in the future of affordable, quality health care in New Jersey. Yet, in spite of these alarming statistics around cancer and STDs in New Jersey, on Monday Kim Guadagno stated that she would not restore funding for preventive reproductive health services – because providers like Planned Parenthood also offer abortion services.
Murphy, on the other hand, has promised to restore and expand funding for desperately needed family planning programs and services. He also has promised to work to ensure that all-FDA approved methods of contraception are accessible to New Jersey women with no out-of-pocket costs.
In addition to the ads, New Jersey residents will find PPAFNJ and their volunteers at train stations, knocking on doors and making phone calls to get out the vote for Murphy through Election Day.
“Reproductive health has been at risk in New Jersey for the past eight years,” said Sadovy. “We now have an opportunity to elect Murphy, who will change the terrible legacy of the last administration.”
A sample version of the ad can be viewed here. Ads are running in the following papers: Asbury Park Press, The Record, Burlington County Times, Courier News, Courier-Post, Daily Record, Home News Tribune, The Jersey Journal, New Jersey Herald, The Press of Atlantic City, South Jersey Times, The Star-Ledger, The Times of Trenton. Follow along today with Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey on Facebook and Twitter.
Paid for by Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey, 196 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960. This expenditure was not made with the cooperation or prior consent of, or in consultation with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate, or person or committee acting on behalf of the candidate. Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey (PPAFNJ) is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization, and the advocacy arm of the Planned Parenthood Affiliates in New Jersey. We advocate for access to essential health care through education, activism, voter engagement, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy. For more information, visit our website at: