Police Director Coley and Citizen Jeannine LaRue Team Up to Launch Radio Show on Police-Community Relations
Police Director Coley and Citizen Jeannine LaRue Team Up to Launch Radio Show on Police-Community Relations
Trenton, N.J. — Trenton Police Director Sheilah A. Coley, a 30-year law enforcement veteran, will debut a weekly call-in radio show on WBCB 1490 AM radio called “Police and Community with Trenton Police Director Sheilah Coley.” Jeannine LaRue, creator of the popular Facebook blog LaRuelist Report, will host the seven-week show.
“This is an important opportunity for Trenton PD to connect with residents,” said Director Coley. “Now more than ever we need to strengthen police-community communications and deepen our connections with residents and community leaders.”
“Police and Community with Trenton Police Director Sheilah Coley,” which is sponsored in part by the economic development organization Greater Trenton and Case Pork Roll, launches on Tuesday, July 21, at 5 p.m. Director Coley will be answering questions from listeners, who can call into the show at (215) 949-3232. Other show dates are July 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25 and September 1.
While the show will broadcast live, listeners can also download the TuneIn app on their smartphones to listen to the broadcast. Additionally, listeners can stream the broadcast through the radio station’s website at wbcb1490.com.
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Photo Caption: Police Director Sheilah A. Coley and Jeannine LaRue at Trenton Police Department headquarters.