President Signs Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act

The following are the remarks of Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) after President Trump’s signing of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which Smith first introduced in 2014:

“The enactment of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act—which was expected and greatly welcomed—makes it abundantly clear that the Trump Administration, the United States Congress, and the American people stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong.

“Xi Jining should understand that the US is not kidding about human rights. Beating, torturing and jailing of democracy activists is wrong and this historic legislation lets China know that respecting fundamental human rights is paramount.

“Tragically, under President Xi Jinping, human rights abuse throughout China has significantly worsened including the pervasive use of torture, religious persecution , human trafficking and genocide against Muslim Uighurs. We have always believed that every person in China deserves better than the brutality so many endure and the systematic violations of their universally recognized human rights.

“Under the new law, there will be strong sanctions, and other ramifications, for the crackdown and abuse of power.

“China is an export economy. If they lose trading benefits because of their deterioration in respecting autonomy and basic human rights, it will be a catastrophic blow to the economy in China.”

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