Press Statement: All Eyes On New Jersey As New York Legislature Passes “GreenLight NY” Bill That Would Expand Access To Driver’s License To More Residents

All Eyes On New Jersey As New York Legislature Passes “GreenLight NY” Bill That Would Expand Access To Driver’s Licenses To More Residents

Advocates call on New Jersey legislators to stop the delays and take immediate action for passage of New Jersey’s similar bill A4743/S3229


NEW JERSEY– June 17th, 2019-– Advocates for expanding access to driver’s licenses in New Jersey released the following statement in response to today’s passage of the “GreenLight NY” bill out of the New York State Legislature.


“We congratulate the New York Legislature on passing “GreenLight NY” bill, expanding access to driver’s licenses, that will increase mobility for thousands of families and improve road safety for everyone in New York state. As Governor Cuomo signs New York’s legislation, all eyes are on New Jersey to take action to do the same for residents of the Garden State.


“This common-sense policy would help more New Jerseyans access a driver’s license and improve road safety for all with more tested and trained drivers on the road. Legislators must also consider the $90 million in revenue expanding access to driver’s licenses will generate every year once this proposal becomes fully implemented.


“Driving is a necessity in New Jersey, just as it is in many parts of New York state. In the tri-state area, New Jersey remains the last state to expand access to driver’s licenses to residents regardless of their immigration status.


New Jersey’s legislative leadership must act swiftly to approve this measure as New York and Connecticut have done. The policy would benefit over 719,000 New Jersey residents and thousands of families and children.”


“We call on the New Jersey Legislature to follow suit on A-4743 and S-3229 before leaving for break on June 30th.



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