Prieto Statement on Trump Plan to Terminate DACA

Prieto Statement on Trump Plan to Terminate DACA

More than 20,000 DACA recipients in New Jersey at risk for deportation under Trump Administration’s plan to end Obama-era DACA program


(TRENTON) – Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-Bergen/Hudson) issued the following statement Tuesday strongly condemning the Trump Administration’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which puts some 800,000 young undocumented immigrants at risk for deportation.


            “The president has shown his cruelty and bias time and time again. This is no different.

            “Punishing young people who have spent the majority of their lives in this country, and limiting their opportunities to prosper and contribute to their communities is not only cruel, but damaging to our economy.

            “There are more than 20,000 DACA recipients in New Jersey. The majority of these young people work and contribute millions in state and local taxes. How is stripping the protections that allow them to better themselves and contribute to society a good thing? How does inhibiting potential make America great again? How does inflicting fear and dread over an entire community move this country forward?

“These young people know only one home. America is their home. This is where they grew up. This is where they went to school. This is where they forged friendships. This is where they built their hopes and dreams. Now the threat of being separated from their families and being sent to a foreign land looms over them. This not only affects individuals, but entire families. Again I ask; how does this make America great?

            “These young people ARE part of the United States. They are entitled to their American dream. I urge Congress to stand on the right side of history, stand up against injustice and bigotry and right this wrong.”

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