WHEN: March 13, 14, 2018

WHERE: Princeton University, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)

CONTACT: Joseph Montemarano, PRISM, 609-258-2267

Academic research can provide major returns for regional industry – just ask Steven Abramson.

Abramson is the President and CEO of Universal Display Corporation, a leader in the OLED (organic light emitting diode) market, whose technology is featured in devices from the newest LG 4K televisions to Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Based in Ewing, N.J., Universal Display was founded with a vision of creating the next generation of displays and lighting, and formed a key technology partnership with Princeton University (where the Company exclusively licensed patents relating to OLED technologies and materials). Founded by Sherwin I. Seligsohn in 1994, the Company went public in 1996 with 3 part-time employees and now has a staff of over 200.

Abramson will speak about his firm’s growth and the importance of forging a remarkable partnership with Princeton University and the strong technology community in New Jersey, in the development and commercialization of new technologies at this year’s Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) Annual Research Symposium.  The conference will feature speakers and workshops highlighting the Institute’s investigation of new technologies in areas including: Quantum Materials and Structures, Large-Area Materials and Devices, Optics and Sensors, and Soft Materials for Polymer and Biological Systems, and will be held in Maeder Hall at Princeton University.

“At PRISM, we work to integrate the sciences and engineering for applications that have real impact on our world,” said Craig Arnold, PRISM director and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. “We offer some of the best cutting-edge facilities in imaging, analysis and micro/nano-fabrication, and collaborate closely with industry and government labs and other academic institutions.”

The conference, which is open through registration on the PRISM website (, will include poster presentations about current research, round-table discussions among technology licensing, venture and entrepreneurship program directors and industry representatives, and tours of facilities including the Imaging and Analysis Center, Micro/Nano-Fabrication Laboratory, Packaging, and Soft Materials Processing Labs.

About PRISM:

For more than three decades, PRISM, the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, has been the driving force and focus for materials science and engineering at Princeton University. PRISM pursues pioneering scientific discoveries through interdisciplinary research, and generates technological advancement, innovation, and entrepreneurship in partnership with industry and other external collaborators.  PRISM, first established an the NJ Advanced Technology Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM) was founded with support by the NJ Commission on Science and Technology Jobs, Education and Competitiveness Bond Act of 1988.  This Center merged with the Princeton Materials Institute in 2004, and is known today as PRISM – comprising more than 80 affiliated faculty members and 150 graduate students and post-docs, who underpin its wide ranging research, education and technology translation programs.

For more information contact Joseph Montemarano, PRISM, at 609-258-2267 or

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