Problem Solver Co-Chairs Reps. Gottheimer and Reed Join Local Business Leaders to Discuss Working Across the Aisle

Problem Solver Co-Chairs Reps. Gottheimer and Reed Join Local Business Leaders to Discuss Working Across the Aisle


HACKENSACK, N.J. -- Today, Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23), Co-Chairs of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, spoke at the Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce’s “Eggs and Issues” speakers series. The Co-Chairs were joined by Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jim Kirkos and local business leaders, including leaders from the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ), UPS, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Ramapo College, and Morgan Stanley.


At the Stony Hill Inn in Hackensack, Gottheimer and Reed discussed their work leading the Problem Solvers Caucus in finding common ground to grow the economy, improve the nation’s infrastructure, stabilize the U.S. healthcare system, fix infrastructure, combat the opioid crisis, and help businesses grow.


The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus is a group of 24 Democrats and 24 Republicans that meet every week they’re in Washington to solve some of the most pressing issues facing the country. When the Problem Solvers Caucus gets to 75 percent agreement, including 51 percent of Democrats and 51 percent of Republicans, the Caucus agrees to take the position as one group. The members also agree never to campaign against another member.


“The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus works the way Washington is supposed to work. You get to know your colleagues on both sides of the aisle. You develop relationships. You work together. And you figure out how to solve problems for the people of your district,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “I am always proud to call Congressman Tom Reed a partner in breaking the gridlock and getting to yes on common-sense solutions for our country, but I am even more proud to call Tom a friend. Thank you, Tom, for coming today to speak with my friend Jim Kirkos and Fifth District business leaders at the Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce, which, for more than 40 years, has been a dedicated advocate for our businesses, our families, our region, and our economy. Today, the Meadowlands represents more than 1,100 companies representing 140,000 local workers. I look forward to continuing to work with Tom and with local Fifth District business leaders to make it easier for businesses to come, grow, and create jobs here in North Jersey.”


“The Problem Solvers Caucus is working to change the culture in Washington. A culture that believes in attacking problems not people. Representative Gottheimer and I have worked to lead conversations about some of the nastiest and most politically divided issues facing our country today – and together – have put forward bipartisan proposals that work to solve them for the people back home. I am proud to call Josh a friend and would like to thank him for inviting me to the New Jersey Fifth District with him today,” said Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23).


“Today's Eggs and Issues with Congressman Gottheimer was everything I wanted it to be. Great dialogue of bipartisanship and a way forward to actually getting things done in Washington, and that's exactly what the business community wants to hear,” said Jim Kirkos, President & CEO of the Meadowlands Chamber of Commerce.


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