Progressive Caucus Lauds Booker for Supporting Medicare for All Bill

Contact: Daniel Ulloa, Policy Co-Director

(908) 421-1422

September 19, 2017

Progressive Caucus Lauds Booker for Supporting Medicare for All Bill

NEWARK-The Progressive Caucus of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee lauded Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) for co-sponsoring Senator Bernie’s Sanders’ (I-Vt) Medicare-for-all bill in the United States Senate.

The bill is expected to extend Medicare coverage to all Americans within four years of its passage.

“I applaud Senator Booker for having the courage to join with Bernie Sanders and fight for a single payer system under the Medicare for All bill that was introduced last week,” said Doris Lin, Co-Chair of the Caucus.

“For too long, millions have struggled to make ends meet due to the high cost of healthcare in this country. America is the only industrialized nation where you can have a TV a show like ‘Breaking Bad’ where a man turns to crime to pay for his medical bills,” Lin stated. “While the Affordable Care Act made great strides towards covering more Americans, further reform is still required to lessen the financial burden healthcare puts on so many who work full-time yet are one severe illness from being destitute.”

“Sanders’ Medicare-for-all bill will ensure better health outcomes while the Republicans seek to go in the opposite direction and threaten the lives of countless Americans,” said Lin.

The NJDSC Progressive Caucus is an official arm of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee committed to fighting for a broad progressive agenda within the Democratic Party for all New Jerseyans.

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