Progressive Democrats Expand to Hudson County, Form Statewide Progressive Movement.

Progressive Democrats Expand to Hudson County, Form Statewide Progressive Movement.
In a few short months New Jersey Progressive Democrats of Union County (NJPD-UC) has become
recognized as a powerhouse of local progressive politics and is pleased to announce the formation of a sister chapter in Hudson County along with the formation of Progressive Democrats of New Jersey, a statewide progressive organization that will coordinate with County chapters to take on establishment corruption and run and support ethical leaders across the state of New Jersey.
“The time for party bosses and corruption in New Jersey is coming to an end,” said Jonathan Gibson a founder of NJPD-UC and one of the architects of the expansion with Ricardo Luis Rojas Estrada of Hudson County.
The board of Progressive Democrats of New Jersey (PDNJ) will be comprised of two representatives elected from the boards of county chapters. Inaugural Board members will be Jonathan Gibson and Jason Krychiw of Union County joined by Ricardo Luis Rojas Estrada and Casey Timorason from Hudson County.
"Working as a progressive organizer, the same thing keeps popping up when I speak to people in our community: 'The establishment controls everything. It's hopeless. How can you win?' We are putting together this organization not just to provide the progressive movement with some muchneeded electoral structure, but more importantly, to give people hope. Hope that we don't need to settle for the same bland, anonymous, corporate-backed candidates that have sold out our state and our country to the developers and the pharmaceutical industry. What the people of New Jersey should know is that progressives are here, we're organized, and we're ready to listen to you and fight for you," said Rojas Estrada, interim Chairperson of the Progressive Democrats of Hudson County.
Jason Krychiw, interim Chairperson of NJPD-UC, and Inaugural Board Member of PDNJ said, “we are honored to partner with progressive champions from Hudson County. Activists in other counties have been discussing additional franchising opportunities and we look forward to continued expansion in the coming weeks, months, and years.”