Progressive Democrats of NJ Host Virtual Day of Action; Call for Statewide Vote By Mail Primary

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

Progressive Democrats of NJ Host Virtual Day of Action; Call for Statewide Vote By Mail Primary

The Progressive Democrats of New Jersey organized a statewide day of action yesterday calling on residents to express their support of a universal vote by mail primary election this year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The hashtag #VBMSaveALife was trending on Twitter and was number three in New Jersey during the hours of the virtual call to action. People were also calling the Governor’s office throughout the day, although most calls were met with a busy signal or forwarded to a full voicemail. Between the people who signed the PDNJ petition calling for statewide vote by mail for the primary, shared their support on social media, or made phone calls, several thousand people were engaged throughout New Jersey.

“The goal of this day of action was to raise the profile of this issue to ensure we have a safe, enfranchising election for the New Jersey primary,” said Jason Krychiw, a co-founder of PDNJ and Interim Chairperson of the Union County chapter. “It was also to show Governor Murphy that he would have the public’s support if he were to mandate this change, even if there is pushback from political party chairs. We should not have to choose between public health and democracy.”

PDNJ also wrote a full policy brief with their issue analysis, rationale for universal vote by mail this year, and specific policy proposals and suggestions. The brief includes proposals such as ballots being sent to every eligible voter in the state, online voter registration, same-day voter registration, and an investment in educating voters on their rights and drop off points.

“We must do all we can to have an election that is as safe and as seamless as possible under the given circumstances,” continued Krychiw. “We have researched the issue, created a policy brief, and are hopeful we will have the opportunity to work with the Governor’s office, the state, and the voters to make this a reality.”

Hector Oseguera, a Congressional candidate in NJ-08 running in the Democratic primary, participated in the day of action and is a proponent of universal vote by mail for this year’s primary.

“This unprecedented crisis requires that we adapt to ensure our democracy goes unabated, without endangering the health and safety of our people,” Oseguera said. “The United States has never allowed an emergency to halt the sacred hallmark of our society, and vote-by-mail is a commonsense solution to protect both the franchise and the physical health of New Jerseyans.”

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