Guadagno Campaign: Prominent Democrat Activist Says She Wishes Phil Murphy Had A Property Tax Plan Like Kim Guadagno
September 12, 2017, 10:57 am | in
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Prominent Democrat Activist Says She Wishes Phil Murphy Had A Property Tax Plan Like Kim Guadagno
September 12, 2017
West Long Branch, NJ- A prominent Democrat activist Lisa McCormick publicly criticized Phil Murphy's campaign over the weekend for not having a property tax cut plan. McCormick ran against Murphy in the Democrat gubernatorial primary before withdrawing from the race.
According toNJ Today, "McCormick said she would like Democrat Phil Murphy to come out with a property tax plan like the one proposed by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. 'Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno has proposed an idea similar to one floated by former Assembly Speaker Alan J. Karcher in 1984,' said McCormick. 'That would cap property tax bills at five percent of income.'"
The average New Jerseyan pays 9% of their household income towards their property tax bill each year, squeezing struggling middle class families and forcing them to move away from the Garden State. Guadagno's plan would cap school taxes at 5% of household income, giving families certainty and delivering property tax savings of up to $3,000 a year. Guadagno has pledged to cut property taxes during her first term as governor or not run for a second.
Despite property taxes being the #1 issue this election, Phil Murphy has not released a property tax cut plan. He has been criticized by editorial boards for "taking the coward’s way out" on property taxes, refusing to embrace the cap on interest arbitration awards or the 2% cap limiting property tax increases at the local level.