Quijano: Judges Silva and Troiano Must be Removed from the Bench

Assemblywoman Annette Quijano released a statement condemning President Donald Trump's comments telling four Democratic Congresswomen to go back where they came from. She said criticism seems to know no boundaries and it provides a false sense of privilege to many who feel that it’s okay to say anything or attack a person with whom they disagree.

Quijano: Judges Silva and Troiano Must be Removed from the Bench



(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Annette Quijano, chair of the Assembly Judiciary Committee issued the following statement today in response to the abhorrently inappropriate comments made by two New Jersey Superior Court judges in separate sexual assault cases involving minors:

“Judge Marcia Silva and Judge James Troiano should resign from their positions immediately or be removed from the bench. The comments made by the judges in their separate cases were inexcusable and unprofessional.

            “Silva’s statements that the alleged rape of a 12-year-old girl was not, ‘especially heinous or cruel’ and the victim did not suffer ‘especially serious harm’ are reprehensible. Silva’s comments suggest the judge is oblivious to the harm that has been done to the child.

            “Troiano’s actions clearly indicate he cares more about the future of an accused rapist than he does about the victim. He saw fit to protect the accused by saying the ‘young man comes from a good family who put him into an excellent school where he was doing extremely well’ and that he is ‘clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college.’ Being a good student has nothing to do with being an alleged rapist.

            “I strongly condemn the callous, disturbing and appalling comments of these judges. Silva and Troiano should not be sitting judges in the State of New Jersey or anywhere else.”

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