Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Statement On Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
“I’ve known Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ever since he was Israel’s young and charismatic deputy foreign minister, who delivered an electrifying speech for me at the Oxford Union in front of 1,000 students in the early 90’s.
The Prime Minister has distinguished himself as Israel’s outstanding global defender who has brought advocacy for the Jewish State to a level rarely before seen.
While I’m in no position to comment on legal matters pertaining to the Prime Minister, I know that the global Jewish community is deeply in his debt for the courageous, forceful, and visionary leadership he has demonstrated throughout his career and on behalf of the world’s only Jewish state.
The Prime Minister and his family paid a terrible price for their love for Israel with the sacrifice of their brother Yoni, the commander of the Entebbe mission, whose memory we intend to honor at our March 8th Gala this year at The Plaza in NYC on the eve of Israel’s 70th anniversary.
We wish the Prime Minister God's blessings in protecting and promoting Israel and Jews worldwide.”