Rahway Democratic Committee Endorses Freeholder Linda Carter to fill LD22 Assembly seat

For Immediate Release
Contact: Kevin O’Brien
April 27, 2018
The Rahway Democratic Committee joins Senator Nick Scutari, Assemblyman Jim Kennedy and Mayor Ray Giacobbe in endorsing Freeholder Carter for LD22 Assembly Seat.
The Executive Committee of the Rahway Democratic City Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Kevin O'Brien, has unanimously endorsed Freeholder Linda Carter for the NJ State Assembly seat in Legislative District 22.
The Rahway Democrats join Senator Nick Scutari, Assemblyman Jim Kennedy and Mayor Ray Giacobbe in endorsing Freeholder Linda Carter.
Chairman O'Brien speaking on behalf of the entire Rahway Democratic City Committee stated, “We are proud to endorse Freeholder Carter to fill the vacancy due to the passing of longstanding Assemblyman Jerry Green. Freeholder Carter, brings years of experience both in being a public servant and educator, with a focus on assisting youths and seniors. Her passion for public service is demonstrated throughout her many accomplishments benefitting the citizens of New Jersey”
The seat is vacant due to the untimely passing of beloved Democratic leader, Assemblyman Gerald “Jerry” Green, of Plainfield who recently resigned as Chair of the Union County Democratic Committee.
Freeholder Carter is tentatively scheduled to attend the monthly Rahway Democrats meeting at 7 pm on Monday, May 7, 2018 at the American Legion Hall at 581 Maple Avenue. All Democrats are welcome