Rating Change: NJ Senate Race a Toss Up

Rating Change: NJ Senate Race a Toss Up
MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ 一 RealClearPolitics updated the race rating for the New Jersey Senate race to “Toss Up” following a Stockton University poll released today that found Marine veteran and job creator Bob Hugin in a dead heat with corrupt, career politician Bob Menendez. Campaign Manager Stacy Schuster issued the following statement:
“RealClearPolitics updating the race rating for New Jersey’s U.S. Senate race to ‘Toss Up’ following today’s Stockton poll confirms this race is a dead heat and one of the most competitive in the country,” said Schuster. “Bob Hugin is on the verge of making history in New Jersey. As the people of New Jersey continue to learn more about Marine veteran and job creator Bob Hugin’s track record of service and working together with others to get results, we’re confident they will support Bob Hugin on Election Day.”