Razzoli: Why a Sanctuary State and Driver’s Licenses for Illegals is a Road to No Return

Why a Sanctuary State and Driver’s Licenses for Illegals is a Road to No Return

By Mark Razzoli, Old Bridge Councilman

As a retired, decorated police detective and first responder during 9/11, I can speak to these issues from the perspective of personal experience. Issues that pertain to public safety cut across party lines, as they should.

When far-left Democratic politicians and other elected officials ignore laws that they don’t like, they encourage and perpetuate a spirit of lawlessness among their constituents with behaviors that are reckless and sadly, irreversible.

The reality is that a Sanctuary State is about identity politics; thinly veiled under the tactical agenda of socialists who want to shame the public into believing that anyone who opposes them are racists and xenophobic haters. Since when is concern for public safety a cause for collective guilt?

When the news broke that New York State had passed a bill that basically rewards illegals with driver’s licenses, a cold chill was felt throughout our community. A community that lost countless lives on 9/11. Is New Jersey next to follow suit? We know full-well that these individuals are already in violation of federal law.

“For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons.” The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, at 384 (2004). Is this no longer a valid assessment? Are the facts so blurred by socialist propaganda that we are made to feel like it was all a bad dream?

Let us never forget these facts:
• Nine of the 9/11 muscle hijackers had Florida driver’s licenses.
• 18 driver’s licenses/IDs issued from Florida’s DMV, five of which were duplicates.
• Eight IDs issued from Virginia’s DMV, all in August 2001.Two driver’s licenses issued in California to Hazmi and Mihdhar, both were watch listed.
• Hanjour, the Pentagon pilot, had four state-issued IDs, including one each from Arizona and Maryland, and was the only hijacker to attempt to take the Virginia driver’s license test (he failed).
• In sum, there were 30 state-issued IDs among the 19 hijackers.

Individuals from all over the world enter the United States illegally every day. This is not about targeting a specific group of people; it is about the safety of the public, and that should never be sacrificed in the name of identity politics.

Enough said…

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