MacArthur Campaign: Who is the real Andy Kim?

Who is the real Andy Kim?
Known tax cheat now caught exaggerating resume according to public records
Toms River, May 11, 2018 – A comparison of publicly available records and news reports are at odds with the campaign biography promoted by tax cheat Andy Kim and his allies, charged the MacArthur for Congress campaign today.
Specifically, the MacArthur campaign wants to know more about how Andy Kim was a “strategic advisor”1 to Commanding Generals David Petraeus and John Allen in Afghanistan in early 2011 during his brief time in Kabul, yet later that same year he is listed as a “Notetaker” in State Department emails2 made available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Kim’s role as a “Notetaker” would make him the lowest ranking staffer in the room months after he claimed to be closely advising America’s top generals on how to defeat ISIS in Afghanistan. Furthermore, despite his claims of proximity to Petraeus, Kim isn’t discussed in the extensive Petraeus biography penned by his mistress, Paula Broadwell, and the Washington Post’s Vernon Loeb3. A curious omission for someone who claimed to be so close to the General.
Moreover, while Kim claims he was “helping to coordinate the war against ISIS” starting in 2013, an extensive Politico report refers to him as a “relatively junior national security aide” in 2014. 4
In seeking clarification of the issue, the MacArthur campaign made another FOIA request to the Office of Personnel and Management (OPM), seeking to confirm the accuracy of Andy Kim’s campaign and professional biographies as described on his own LinkedIn page.
A written response from OPM on March 7, 2018 seeking more information stated: “[There are] 61 Andrew Kim’s…none have these credentials.”5
“Andy Kim has already been caught lying about where he lived so he could illegally qualify for a substantial property tax break, and now it appears he is exaggerating his professional resume,” said MacArthur strategist Chris Russell. “Andy Kim is attempting to fool people into thinking he was a high-ranking military advisor directing foreign wars alongside our top generals, when the evidence seems to indicate that he was little more than a low-level bureaucrat charged with keeping notes. It’s time Andy Kim comes clean about the facts surrounding his time in the Obama Administration and releases his own personnel records so the public can match them up accordingly with the claims he is making on the campaign trail.”