Sager: Red Bank Attorney Sean F. Byrnes Lied to Middletown Community After Continuing to Campaign When Promising to Drop Out


Red Bank Attorney Sean F. Byrnes Lied to Middletown Community After Continuing to Campaign When Promising to Drop Out

October 30, 2019 (Middletown) – Sean F. Byrnes has lied to the Middletown Community by
continuing to run for office after saying he would not if Candidate Jeana Sager remained in the

Sean F. Byrnes’ original printed and official statement from September 21st reads, “I won’t stand
for that type of behavior, and if she [Jeana Sager] does not agree to withdraw her candidacy
then I will drop out as a candidate for Township Committee.”

However, in an article just published this week in the Asbury Park Press, Sean F. Byrnes
changed his statement to “If I was elected I’d happily go do the job.” In addition, in that same
article it was reported that Byrnes urged voters to put a Democrat on the otherwise all-
Republican town committee but also implied Jeana Sager should not be elected; leaving only
himself as the Democrat of choice. The article printed a campaign issue platform from Byrnes
confirming he is still running, contrary to his promise to withdraw. It was also reported today in
the Middletown Patch that Byrnes is still running for Township Committee.

Sean F. Byrnes spun a web implying the way Jeana Sager spoke about an issue amounted to an
assault on his personal integrity and high ethical regard when really, he was banking on
bullying her out of the race and getting more votes as the sole Democrat running. When she
didn’t back down and he realized he had self-destructed, his real motivations became clear.
“Given Sean’s candidate interviews this week and his statements revealing his real intentions of
getting elected after promising he would drop out of the race, it is evident that his only
conviction is to get votes even if it means lying to the entire community” Sager said.
Sager concluded “Byrnes stabbed me in the back so that he could be the only Democrat
standing, only now he’s been caught in an outright lie.”

#BackStabbingByrnes #SillySeason #LyingforVotes


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