RELEASE - 98% of the time Linda Greenstein sides with Chris Christie
RELEASE - 98% of the time Linda Greenstein sides with Chris Christie
Contact: Harrison Neely,
Hamilton, NJ – Hamilton Councilwoman and State Senate Candidate Ileana Schirmer criticized Linda Greenstein for voting with Chris Christie 98% of the time during his second term as Governor. Linda Greenstein and Chris Christie have been in the Statehouse together the past seven years.
“Linda Greenstein and Chris Christie are two peas in a pod,” said Ileana Schirmer. “While Senator Greenstein claims to be an independent legislator who is critical of our governor, Linda Greenstein and Chris Christie agree on 98% of legislation that crosses his desk. In 2013, Greenstein ran for reelection as a ‘Christie democrat.’ Once voters put them both back in Trenton that year, they have worked together to slam New Jersey with a 1.3 billion dollar gas tax hike. Greenstein refused to stand up to Christie to protest the 300 million Statehouse renovation. Greenstein refused to stand up to Christie to stop the three-day government shutdown over July 4th weekend. Together they have drastically underfunded public pensions and the school funding formula. Together they have overseen 11 state credit downgrades. Taxpayers have had enough. It’s time for a change in Trenton.”
Ileana Schirmer is a Hamilton Township Councilwoman, award-winning entrepreneur and business owner, and the first Hispanic woman elected to office in Mercer County. She has a proven track record of creating jobs in both the private and public sector and keeping taxes stable in Hamilton. As a member and President of the Hamilton Council, she has worked to include voices from all partisan and demographic backgrounds in municipal government.
“Just last week the Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said that any Senator voting with Governor Christie over 90% of the time deserves an F. Linda Greenstein votes with Chris Christie 98% of the time. According to Tom Perez’s calculations, Linda Greenstein’s voting record deserves a failing grade. We need independent leaders who will fight Trenton’s career politicians regardless of party affiliation. We need a Senator who can’t be bullied. We need a Senator who will put citizens’ interests first.”
Paid for by Ileana Schirmer for Senate. Kathleen Donohue, Treasurer.