RELEASE - A Coward's Way Out
RELEASE - A Coward's Way Out
Hamilton, NJ - Hamilton Councilwoman and State Senate candidate in the 14th legislative district, Ileana Schirmer calls out Linda Greenstein’s shameful record of dodging tough votes. In Today's Senate session, Linda Greenstein abstained on voting for or against controversial legislation that would allow the next Governor to control the amount of surplus Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield may retain.
“Linda Greenstein should be ashamed of herself. This Horizon bill is bad for the every-day rate-payer and she was too much of a coward to even take a position on it. Linda does not have the courage to take a stand. Instead, she takes the cowardly way out by abstaining on the vote. The taxpayers don't pay for her to hang out under the golden dome and eat lunch with lobbyists; we pay her to show up and represent us. All she has to do is press a button once in a while and she can't even manage that,” Schirmer remarked.
Linda Greenstein has a long history of being coincidentally absent when controversial bills are on the agenda. She was absent at Monday's budget committee meeting and absent for her committee responsibilities when the gas tax was passed.
"She shows no leadership," Schirmer said. "Elected officials like Linda Greenstein are too cowardly to take a stand on tough issues and subsequently problems go unsolved but her answer to that is to simply hit the tax payer’s wallet for more money. New Jersey taxpayers are her personal ATM."
Paid for by Ileana Schirmer for Senate. Kathleen Donohue, Treasurer.