RELEASE - Senator Greenstein Challenger Announces Media Campaign Centered Around Gas Tax Vote
RELEASE - Senator Greenstein Challenger Announces Media Campaign Centered Around Gas Tax Vote
Hamilton, NJ - Ileana Schirmer, Cuban immigrant, entrepreneur, Hamilton Councilwoman and candidate for Senate in NJ's 14th legislative district announced the start of a media campaign that centers around incumbent Senator Linda Greenstein's vote to raise the state gasoline tax by 23 cents a gallon.
"I'm making her vote for the gas tax a focal point because it is a symbol of what is wrong with Trenton and what has been wrong with her time as a legislator," said Schirmer. "If Linda Greenstein could not find a dedicated source of funding for infrastructure projects within our bloated state government, then we have to ask ourselves, how can we ever expect her to lower our property taxes? The Transportation Trust Fund did not go 'broke' overnight."
“My family fled Cuba to avoid economic oppression and now New Jersey has an affordability crisis that's forcing my friends, family, neighbors and local businesses to flee in similar fashion. Governor Christie and Linda Greenstein were wrong to raise the gas tax on an already burdened population, and we are tired of Trenton's 'if you can make it we can tax it' attitude."
You can check out the website at and the 15-second ad, titled Gas Tax Greenstein.