Linda Weber: Rep. Leonard Lance Is Allowing His Party To Sacrifice New Jersey and His District on the Altar of Corporate Special Interests

Rep. Leonard Lance Is Allowing His Party To Sacrifice New Jersey and His District on the Altar of Corporate Special Interests


Despite the marketing, the tax plan unveiled by the Republican-controlled House will increase taxes on many New Jersey families at a time when we already pay billions of dollars more in federal taxes than we get back. In order to provide tax breaks to the ultra-rich and corporations, this plan eliminates the State and Local Tax (SALT) deductions on income and sales, deductions which provide tax relief to millions of New Jersey families. Of the families that utilize the SALT deductions, 1 out of 5 earn less than $50,000 and 1 out 3 earn between $50,000 and $100,000 according to research by NJ Policy Perspective.


When you read the fine print, there are even more tax increases that will disproportionately impact New Jersey residents. The plan also repeals the deduction for medical expenses, which is particularly harmful to New Jersey given that it has the 7th highest cancer rate in the country.


We need tax reform, but this plan is not it. I am calling on Rep. Leonard Lance to oppose any plan that eliminates the SALT deduction in any form or gives tax breaks to the ultra-rich and corporations at the expense of middle and working class families.

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