Rep. Payne, Jr. Joins Vice President Kamala Harris in Newark to Celebrate Lead Pipe Removal

Rep. Payne, Jr. Joins Vice President Kamala Harris in Newark to Celebrate Lead Pipe Removal
Washington, D.C. — Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. joined Vice President Kamala Harris in Newark today with local and national leaders from New Jersey to celebrate the completion of the city’s lead water pipe removal project. Since unsafe levels of lead were found in local drinking water three years ago, the city has replaced more than 24,000 lead service lines. In total, Newark spent $190 million to improve water systems through upgrades in filtration, delivery infrastructure, and monitoring systems to keep the water clean.
Rep. Payne, Jr. has fought to get lead-contaminated pipes replaced in the district throughout his time in Congress. He has introduced bills and fought for federal spending to promote clean water in the district and throughout the country.
“It was an honor to welcome Vice President Kamala Harris to our district again and congratulate Newark Mayor Ras Baraka for the successful replacement of water pipes throughout the city,” said Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. “I have worked diligently to get more than $53 million for the removal of lead-contaminated water pipes and fought to get $55 billion added to the new Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, to replace lead water pipes nationwide. When I heard about Newark’s water issues, I contacted the Environmental Protection Agency and asked them to make sure the city had enough bottled water. Then I helped hand out bottled water to Newark residents at the Bo Porter Sports Complex and the Boylan Street Recreation Center. I introduced the Test for Lead Act earlier to establish stronger water tests for lead in schools. It is now public law and helping to protect students from lead-contaminated water nationwide. This is a great day for Newark because no issue is more important than clean drinking water.”
Vice President Harris came to Newark to highlight the city’s successful project and promote the Biden Administration’s commitment to clean drinking water for all Americans. The new $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure law includes $1 billion to help New Jersey replace 350,000 lead water pipes in the next five years.