Rep. Payne, Jr.’s Statement on Racist “Zoom Bomb” in West Orange

Rep. Payne, Jr.’s Statement on Racist “Zoom Bomb” in West Orange

Washington, D.C. — Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. issued the following statement today regarding the racist attack on a West Orange Town Council meeting on February 13, 2024.  Several non-resident callers with fake names used their time during the online, “Zoom” meeting to make offensive and racist comments about the Jewish community and even West Orange elected officials.  The calls were alleged to be part of a white supremacist “Zoom Bomb” attack to spread hate and offensive speech in community council meetings across the country.


“Hate-based, bigoted and racist speech has no place in America.  I want to express my condolences to the great people and elected officials in West Orange for the fact that they had to experience such vile and offensive speech during a town council meeting.  I know the residents of West Orange understand and support diversity and even diverse viewpoints in their community.  It is one reason I am proud to represent them in Congress.  But what happened February 13th goes beyond free speech and it is rightfully outlawed nationwide.  I am sorry this event happened to such a great community and I hope the racist, non-resident attackers are apprehended quickly and brought to justice.”

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