Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes Against Israel Funding Bill Because It Lacks Humanitarian Aid for Palestinian Civilians
Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes Against Israel Funding Bill Because It Lacks Humanitarian Aid for Palestinian Civilians
Washington, D.C. — Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. voted against the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act today because it did not include humanitarian aid for innocent Palestinian children and families. The bill, H.R. 6126, would provide $14.3 billion in emergency supplemental funding for Israel after recent terrorist attacks from Hamas, the ruling organization of the Palestinian-populated Gaza Strip.
Rep. Payne, Jr. is a strong supporter of Israel and planned to vote for this funding bill. However, House Republicans failed to include funding for food and water for Palestinian families caught in the crossfire of this conflict, which was included in President Biden’s original proposal. In addition, Republicans want to use the bill to limit America’s ability to pursue tax-cheating corporations and make sure the wealthiest 1-percent of Americans are paying appropriate taxes. The Congressional Budget Office said the current bill would cost American taxpayers $12.5 billion in the next 10 years.
“This bill is yet another example of Republicans supporting their unpopular agenda instead of the interests of the American people,” said Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. “Financial support for Israel after a terrorist attack should be an easy, bipartisan bill to pass. Instead, Republicans are hijacking it to prevent life-saving, humanitarian aid for the innocent Palestinians who are without food and water right now. In addition, they want to fund it with money Americans need to encourage the wealthiest 1-percent of Americans to pay their fair share in taxes. But Republicans would rather protect their billionaire, tax-cheating supporters than protect children. The extra funding from proper taxation of the richest Americans could have supported Israel, helped Palestinian families, provided aid for Ukraine, and reduced the national debt significantly, which would have benefitted the American people.”