Rep. Sherrill Launches Community Project Funding Program For Fiscal Year 2024

Rep. Sherrill Launches Community Project Funding Program For Fiscal Year 2024


Parsippany, NJ –Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) announced the launch of her resource guide and applications for Community Project Funding applications for the Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations process.


“I am proud to have successfully fought to bring millions of our tax dollars directly back to NJ-11 over the past two years. These projects are improving the lives of New Jersey families by increasing public safety, improving water quality, mitigating the risk of flooding, and expanding access to health care,” said Rep. Sherrill. “The Community Project funding program operates best when I work alongside community members to meet the needs of NJ-11 residents. I welcome local elected officials and nonprofits to utilize our resource guide and submit a proposal for consideration.”


This year, each Member of Congress is able to submit up to fifteen requests to the House Appropriations Committee. While Congressman Sherrill will fight hard for these projects, there is no guarantee that submissions will be included in the final Appropriations bill. These requests are all subject to review by the House Appropriations Committee and the Congressional budget process. In order to take effect, appropriations bills approved by the House Appropriations Committees must be agreed to by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the President.


If you have a Community Project proposal for the Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations process or have questions about the selection process, please review our Community Project Funding Resource Guide.


To submit a Community Project request, please visit our website. Representative Sherrill and her team will carefully consider and evaluate each request.


The deadline to submit an application is March 15, 2023 at 5:00 PM.


Any project requests selected and submitted by the Congresswoman must and will be publicly disclosed, both on her website and on the website of the House Committee on Appropriations.


Rep. Sherrill was successful in getting fourteen Community Projects funded for Fiscal Year 2023. To learn more about Representative Sherrill’s 2023 Community Projects, click here.




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