Rep. Sherrill’s Office Delivers More than 4,000 Valentines for Veterans
Rep. Sherrill’s Office Delivers More than 4,000 Valentines for Veterans
Residents Across North Jersey Participated in Program to Say Thank You and Spread Love to New Jersey’s Veterans
Rep. Sherrill’s team delivered cards to Operation Sisterhood’s Valentine’s Day brunch
Washington, DC -- Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) announced that for Valentine’s Day, her office delivered more than 4,000 valentines for veterans written by residents from the 11th District of New Jersey.
“My team and I are blown away by the fantastic response to our first Valentines for Veterans program,” said Representative Sherrill. “I’d especially like to thank all the students from across our community who made beautiful, heartfelt valentines. I know our veterans truly appreciate the outpouring of support from our residents.”
Representative Sherrill’s Valentines for Veterans Program provided an opportunity to say thank you to local veterans in our community. Valentines collected by Representative Sherrill’s office were delivered to organizations that serve the 11th District’s veterans, including:
- Picatinny Arsenal
- East Orange VA Medical Center
- Bloomfield Vet Center
- VA Newark Regional Office
- Montclair State University Office of Veteran & Military Resources
- Operation Sisterhood
- GI Go Fund
- Local VFW and American Legion Posts
- New Jersey Firemen’s Home (Boonton)
- Parsippany Police Department