Rep. Smith Outreach to Ocean County on Coronavirus Today

Freehold Township, NJ —Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) continues reaching out to public health officials in his district including Dan Regenye, Ocean County Public Health Coordinator to offer “absolutely any advocacy and assistance necessary on the federal level” to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Smith said Regenye briefed him on the “mutually reinforcing aggressive steps” Ocean County has undertaken including the push to identify and test at-risk people, school closing and need for students during closures to adhere to “social distancing—no parties or sleepovers” and the need for personal protective equipment (PPE), especially for health workers and first responders.
PICTURED: Rep. Chris Smith, from his office in Freehold, NJ Monday, speaks with Ocean County Public Health Coordinator Dan Regenye.
The House of Representatives on Saturday passed its second comprehensive bipartisan bill to combat the coronavirus (COVID 19), and Smith said that “containing the outbreak, finding a cure and a safe and effective vaccine must be our highest priority—no matter the cost.”
“We must contain the coronavirus pandemic and protect all people, especially those most vulnerable to the disease such as the elderly and those with serious chronic medical conditions,” said Smith, who strongly supported and voted for the measure hours after President Trump declared the coronavirus a national emergency, opening the door for states and local governments to receive additional federal assistance.
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