Reps. Reed and Gottheimer Deliver First Bipartisan SOTU Response

Reps. Reed and Gottheimer Deliver First Bipartisan SOTU Response

Congressmen Reassure Americans, Change in DC Possible

WASHINGTON – Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Tom Reed (NY-23) and Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) delivered a bipartisan message to the American people in response to President Trump’s State of the Union speech. Echoing the President’s call for unity, the Caucus co-chairs shared their approach to finding common ground, across party lines, with the American people, and their efforts to increase unity and agreement in a culture of trust.


The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bipartisan group in Congress comprised of 48 members – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – who are committed to forging bipartisan cooperation on key issues. It is co-chaired by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY). Earlier this week, the Caucus announced principles to resolve the impasse on DACA and border security, the details of which can be found HERE.



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