Reps. Sherrill, Fitzpatrick, Hayes Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Labor Representation on Workforce Boards 

Reps. Sherrill, Fitzpatrick, Hayes Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Labor Representation on Workforce Boards 

Component of Congresswoman’s Jersey STRONG agenda


Washington, DC— Today, Representatives Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01), and Jahana Hayes (CT-05) reintroduced the Expanding Labor Representation in the Workforce System Act, bipartisan legislation that will expand the level of labor union participation on state and local workforce boards that allocate workforce development and job training funds.


This bill is a part of Congresswoman Sherrill’s Jersey STRONG agenda, which prioritizes issues that are front and center for New Jersey families.


“Workforce development and training help Americans get middle-class jobs and support small businesses in addressing labor shortages. However, all too often I hear from local unions that low-quality training programs are getting funded without adequate input from workers,” said Rep. Sherrill. “This legislation will ensure that workers and organized labor have a meaningful place at the table when decisions about funding allocations are made. As a member of the Labor Caucus, I am committed to building the workforce of today and tomorrow and helping provide a more secure future for New Jerseyans.”

“Since I came to Congress, one of my top priorities has been giving American workers a seat at the table – and that’s exactly what this bipartisan legislation does,” said Congressman Fitzpatrick. “The Expanding Labor Representation in the Workforce System Act will increase the representation of labor on both State and local development boards – ensuring that the voices of workers are heard. I’m proud to co-lead this legislation with Congresswoman Sherrill.

“Labor unions fight to protect the rights of workers every day, and they must have a seat at the table whenever workforce development decisions are made. I am pleased to join Congresswoman Sherrill in standing with labor and ensuring the voices of union members are better represented at the state and local board levels,” said Rep. Hayes. 

This legislation will expand labor representation on state and local workforce development boards from 20% to 30% of board positions. It will also finally add a definition of “labor organization” to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act that allocates federal job training resources, to ensure that workforce funding is going toward legitimate labor groups.


A Workforce Development Board acts like a Board of Directors for a region’s job training system; it determines the needs of the local job market and employers, delivers resources to those looking for work, oversees One-Stop Career Centers, and manages workforce investment programs in the community. Other members on these boards include employers, educators, and local government officials.


This month, Rep. Sherrill unveiled her Jersey STRONG agenda, which includes the first five pieces of legislation she is introducing in the 118th Congress. With this bill package, Congresswoman Sherrill will continue to fight for New Jersey by:


Saving the SALT Deduction

Taking Care of our Veterans

Reining in Auto Thefts

Optimizing Women’s Health Care

Nominating More Labor Representatives

Getting Stuff Done

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