Republican Senators Across Morris County Endorse Team Morris 2019 Freeholder Slate

Republican Senators Across Morris County Endorse Team Morris 2019 Freeholder Slate
Parsippany, NJ – Today, Morris County Republican Freeholder candidates Doug Cabana, Tom Mastrangelo and Kathy DeFillippo, running together as Team Morris 2019, have announced major endorsements from 4 Republican Senators where all or parts of their legislative districts represent Morris County.
In a move to show Republican Party unity in Morris County the following Senators have solidly endorsed and pledge support for Team Morris 2019:
Senator Anthony Bucco (Conference Leader), Legislative District 25. Senator Bucco serves on the Health committee, the Human Services and Senior Citizens committee and the Labor Intergovernmental Relations Commission.
Senator Kristin M. Corrado, Legislative District 40. Co-Vice-Chair of the Environment and Energy committee. Senator Corrado also serves on the New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight committee, the Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens committee, the Judiciary committee and the Legislative Services Commission.
Senator Tom Kean (Minority Leader), Legislative District 21. Senator Kean serves on the Commerce committee, the Higher Education committee, the Legislative Oversight committee and the Legislative Services Commission.
Senator Steve Oroho, (Republican Budget Officer), Legislative District 24. Senator Oroho serves on the Joint Budget Oversight committee, New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight Budget and Appropriations committee and Economic Growth Committee.