The Resistance Jersey City and Force the Issue NJ Join Forces to Launch “Platforms for Progress”

The Resistance Jersey City and Force the Issue NJ Join Forces to Launch “Platforms for Progress”

Jersey City, NJ —

The impact of the 2016 U.S. election campaign inspired many New Jersey activists to join or form new organizations dedicated to progressive activism and community service. In Jersey City – volunteers for the primary campaign of Senator Sanders created Force the Issue NJ in July of 2016 – while supporters of former Secretary of State Clinton’s campaign, as well as many others concerned with Donald Trump’s election united as The Resistance – Jersey City following the general election in November.

Independently, each group engaged hundreds of activists, driving them towards existing organizations in Hudson County to work on a range of issues from national politics to hot-button local issues, all the while supporting community aid and locally targeted charitable giving. Despite limited resources and experience, both groups have been able to successfully engage and activate their communities on  local, state and national issues.

Both groups agreed that cultivating an independent progressive coalition by promoting opportunities for civic engagement is essential to effecting and sustaining positive change in New Jersey.
Accordingly, each group has independently pursued strategies to leverage web platforms to
coordinate participation from seasoned activists and newly engaged citizens alike. The Resistance –
Jersey City operated a Community Calendar for the greater Hudson County area via a third-party
website, while Force the Issue NJ engaged local tech talent to begin building Coordinates, a
directory of progressive and community organizations in New Jersey.

Force the Issue NJ is proud to announce that The Resistance – Jersey City has agreed to join
forces in our shared mission of developing and deploying “Platforms for Progress”. The first two
platforms – the Community Calendar and Coordinates, a directory of progressive and community
organizations are now live on Active citizens and non-profit organizations
alike are welcome to visit the brand new website to make these platforms their own!

Force the Issue NJ is a 501(c)4 New Jersey non-profit corporation that develops and deploys Platforms for Progress: data-driven online tools and
web-based media dedicated to connecting engaged citizens with opportunities to make a difference in the Garden State.

Please visit for more information and to get involved!

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