Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 108 Endorses Congressman Payne

Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 108 Endorses Congressman Payne


NEWARK, NJ – Adding to his growing list of supporters among powerful labor unions, U.S. Representative Donald Payne, Jr., (D-Newark) is announcing that he has the endorsement of the Retail, Wholesale & Department Store (RWDSU) Union Local 108. Made up of retail workers in clothing stores, jewelry stores, automotive service, parts and accessory stores, supermarkets, warehouses, manufacturing, and also in the public sector, RWDSU Local 108 represents over 5,000 members in New Jersey and surrounding states.


“Congressman Payne understands the struggles that working class people face and he knows what kind of solutions we need from Washington to support our members, which is why we are glad to offer him our support now,” said Charles Hall, RWDSU Local 108 President. “As a sponsor of the PRO Act, a leader with a 100% rating from the AFL-CIO and a former union member and blue collar worker himself, it’s clear to us that Congressman Payne is by far the best choice to advocate for working families.”


With among the strongest records on labor issues in the House of Representatives, Congressman Payne can always be counted on to deliver for working families. He is a sponsor of the PRO Act which would remove barriers to union organizing and help more workers join a union, as well as the Raise the Wage Act which raises the minimum wage to $15/hour indexed to inflation.


“The hardworking men and women of RWDSU Local 108 are some of the essential workers that we have all leaned on throughout the pandemic, and they deserve not just our thanks and respect, but also our support for policies that will put more money in their pockets, better benefits in their contracts and more peace of mind in their families,” said Congressman Payne. “I’m thankful to Local 108 President Charles Hall and the entire union for their support and I pledge to always be someone that working families can count on.”


Congressman Payne has recently been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund,  New Jersey Education Association, the Communications Workers of America NJ, Laborers’ International North America Eastern Region, the New Jersey Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association and AFSCME NJ. He also recently announced the support of U.S. Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker as well as Newark Mayor Ras Baraka.


About Congressman Payne: 


A lifelong Newark resident, Congressman Donald Payne, Jr., is a champion for working families, Democratic values and fighting to provide more opportunities for people in black and brown communities. He’s a devoted husband and father and a former union member with a blue collar background who has an immense respect for the dignity of work and the value of organized labor. A five-term Congressman, he was first elected in 2012 to succeed his late father, the legendary Rep. Donald Payne, Sr., who was the first Black Congressman in state history. Congressman Payne is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials in the powerful House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which has jurisdiction over major infrastructure initiatives including the Gateway Project that are critical to New Jersey’s economy. Congressman Payne co-wrote the House version of President Joe Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure act and has supported critical progressive legislation like the Build Back Better plan, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the Equality Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and much more.


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