Rev. Boyer: What Happened to Jameek Lowery?

We are concerned with the recent news of the death of Jameek Lowery in Paterson. The family and community is desperate for answers in the mysterious death of a 27-year-old man who recorded a frantic video at the Paterson police headquarters early Saturday morning. The video shows Lowery sweating profusely, pleading for help, asking for water, and saying someone is trying to kill him. Hours later, Lowery was placed on life support at St. Joseph’s University Medical Center, and later died on Monday morning. Law enforcement sources state there is no evidence of assault but the lack of transparency and answers aggravates an already traumatized family and community. The Passaic County Prosecutors office is in charge of the investigation. The family and activists are demanding an outside independent prosecutor to oversee this tragedy.

Although we do not have all the answers there are certain things in light of current revelations that are clear. There is a tenuous relationship between law enforcement and communities of color. We know African Americans are three times more likely to have force used against us than whites. That number multiplies astronomically when adjusted for population. Black communities do not trust the system for good reason. Regardless of the outcome, the facts may not be accepted, if the investigation appears incestuous in nature. 

Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal is vehemently opposed to codifying independent prosecutors into law. He is concerned that trust in county prosecutors will be undermined. We on the other hand, are concerned how families' and communities' tragic realities are shaped in moment like these. 

Contact the Governor (609-292-6000) and tell him - YOUR ATTORNEY GENERAL IS WRONG!!! SIGN THE INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR BILL A3115/S1036 INTO LAW

Additionally, we must fight for community oversight of police departments, unified reporting standards and systems, deescalation training, and removal of problematic officers. Anything less than accountability and transparency is an affront to justice. 

Our hearts and prayers are with the Lowery family and the Paterson community!

Rev. Dr. Charles F. Boyer

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