Rice Proposes Bill to Establish the Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program

Rice Proposes Bill to Establish the Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program


TRENTON – Senate Community and Urban Affairs Vice Chair Ronald L. Rice proposed legislation on Thursday that would establish the Energy and Manufacturing Workforce Development Program within the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.


“The energy industry in New Jersey is becoming a major part of our economy and manufacturing is making a comeback in the state,” said Senator Rice (D-Essex).  “With these industries growing, we need to make sure we have an educated, diverse pool of individuals to meet the demand for jobs.  We should be prioritizing underrepresented communities like ethnic minorities and women.”


In consultation with the New Jersey State Employment and Training Commission, the purpose of the program would be to evaluate and improve training opportunities for energy and manufacturing-related jobs in order to increase the number of skilled workers in the state who are qualified for employment in those industries.  The program must prioritize providing underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities, women, veterans and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, access to energy- and manufacturing-related training and jobs.


To fulfill the purpose of the program, the department would be required to assess the effectiveness of state training programs, evaluate the outreach and accessibility of such programs to underrepresented groups and identify workforce needs and common skill gaps within energy- and manufacturing-related industries.  It would also be charged with developing a workforce strategy and publishing, in a format accessible to the public, a clearinghouse of resources and current information on relevant training and workforce development programs.


The aim of the proposed legislation is to train underrepresented groups, and make sure they can enter into industries with the skills to succeed.

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